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5 Ways ChatGPT is Transforming eCommerce

Elizabeth Zink
Mar 3, 2023

It’s no secret that ChatGPT has a stranglehold on popular culture.

The AI chatbot has become a household name in the span of only a few months and in that time it has made itself useful in a variety of ways. As extensive experimentation and exploration has revealed these use cases, the argument to include it in a myriad of different industries is a hard one to discredit. This is overwhelmingly true for the eCommerce industry. From backend business processes to front end customer experience, ChatGPT fits in perfectly, like a long lost puzzle piece.

Here are five ways ChatGPT can make the online shopping experience better than we ever imagined it could be:

1. ChatGPT as your personal shopper

For shops that have an abundance of products to offer it can be time consuming and frustrating for shoppers to weed through everything to find what they’re looking for. Basic search engines on web pages can help but often they return more results than a shopper wants to sort through and tend to fall short in accuracy. The ease of finding a product can be the difference between a sale and abandonment.

ChatGPT can ensure shopper retention by serving as a search engine that shoppers can actively communicate with. A shopper can type in a request and ChatGPT can help comb the website to find exactly what that shopper is looking for. With additional conversation, these product recommendations can become more and more tailored to the consumer. Concurrently, by analyzing search history and customer data, ChatGPT can recommend products a customer might be in search of before they even begin searching. This convenience can set a website apart from its competitors.

2. Personalized marketing

In addition to utilizing customer data in order to recommend products and act as a personal shopper, ChatGPT can use this information to tailor marketing to the consumer. Ads online have become more and more prevalent to the point of being almost ineffective, particularly to younger generations.

By analyzing customer data, ChatGPT can personalize marketing to specific consumer types, allowing your business to reach out in a more significant way. Customers want to feel as though they’re special and have a brand’s undivided attention. Personalized marketing can drive brand loyalty in ways targeted ads couldn’t quite.

On a broader level, ChatGPT can also help in analyzing data to determine the best platforms to reach out to if you’re targeting a specific demographic. This in turn can generate more sales by upping engagement and garnering attention from new consumers.

3. Making FAQs more conversational

Most people are not going to the FAQs for entertainment but when a chatbot spits out a rigid, one-note response it can be a disappointment. ChatGPT allows chatbots to be more dynamic with their responses. For example, if a customer has an additional question relating to their initial query, ChatGPT can use context and conversation history to help in ways average FAQ bots simply cannot. This flexibility can turn a once aggravating experience into one that’s engaging.

Additionally, ChatGPT can make FAQ responses more conversational and less stale, making the interaction one that feels like it’s been had with another human being.

4. Product descriptions

No matter how many different products you sell, writing a product description can become a major pain. Whether you’re writing a few or a few hundred a week, it takes time and energy that could be better spent on pretty much anything else. But, unfortunately, the description is one of the most important parts of a product listing and becomes even more valuable when you consider screen-readers.

ChatGPT can help by writing the description for you. By entering a request for a description and a few key words, ChatGPT can write out several, relatively well crafted sentences for you to place on a product’s listing. Not only does this save time but it also makes it easier for you to update product descriptions as needed.

5. Inventory management

Predicting trends in aesthetics and purchasing can be difficult. Having a little help when it comes to predictions can be a huge game changer in the way you do business.

ChatGPT can help companies by analyzing sales data and predicting trends which will help companies determine what they should and shouldn’t stock. By avoiding selling out of in-demand items and overstocking lesser wanted items, companies can save money and increase customer satisfaction.

ChatGPT can do all of this and so much more. At Pypestream we’re exploring new and inventive ways to integrate with GPT-3, the NLU that powers ChatGPT, so we can help transform the way your eCommerce company does business. Want to learn more? Contact Pypestream today.

To read our eBook on Self Service Automation for eCommerce, click here.