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5 Ways Covid Changed Customer Care & What To Do About It

Nov 10, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically altered nearly every facet of our daily lives. Not surprisingly, the impact on customer care operations has been especially burdensome. My latest white paper, 5 Ways Covid Changed Customer Care & What To Do About It, hones in on this issue. It looks at both sides of the customer care equation to help businesses understand how to adapt to the new normal.

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The white paper first examines how consumer behavior changed during the pandemic. It turns out that Covid was a catalyst for trends already taking shape before the pandemic – greater use of eCommerce, a new 24/7 consumer mentality, among others – and which are now here to stay.


But these shifts aren’t just changing how consumers buy products. They’re also changing consumer expectations about customer care. Brands that can’t manage this changed reality will lose customers and struggle to compete.

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On the other side of the equation are contact centers, which are facing an entirely different set of challenges. Remote work environments have made employee management difficult, morale is down and attrition is up, leading to endemic understaffing. Hence, contact centers are swamped with more call and chat engagements than ever from frustrated customers.

This combination of factors is creating a dire situation for the many businesses unable to keep up with the needs of their customers. They’re feeling the pain of lower customer satisfaction and rising costs, and are hemorrhaging customers left and right. For many, it feels like they’re falling into a downward spiral of customer and employee dissatisfaction.

But hope is on the horizon in the form of Conversational GUIs. These next-gen customer engagement automation bots enable brands to automate a significant portion of customer care engagements, thus relieving the burden on agents and customer care executives. They reduce costs without sacrificing customer satisfaction.

Click here to get the 5 Ways Covid Changed Customer Care white paper. It provides important color about these trends and explains how customer care executives can stay ahead of them.