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Can chatbots save the planet?

Elizabeth Zink
Jul 5, 2023

On July 4th, the planet as a whole recorded its hottest day ever – and July 5th may be even hotter.  As Friederike Otto, a senior lecturer at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment, put it, this heat is “a death sentence for people and ecosystems”.

There’s a number of reasons we are rapidly falling out of reach of the goal to keep global warming within 1.5C. The finger can be pointed in several directions but fossil fuels, factory farming, and deforestation are some of the biggest players.

But a new player is emerging: AI.

It can be easy to overlook the environmental impact that a digital technology can create but as AI becomes more advanced it is, in turn, creating electronic waste. This electronic waste then contributes to soil, water, and air pollution. AI can also play a hand in the over-consumption of resources such as water which is another major factor in our current environmental crisis.

As it doesn’t appear that AI will be slowing down in development anytime soon, it’s important that we try to mitigate the harm done before it’s too late. As an AI company we take our environmental impact seriously and are always trying to find ways to use our chatbots to help. But the question is, can chatbots help in the fight for our planet?

Reducing the carbon footprint

One of the most impactful ways chatbots can help fight the global climate crisis is by reducing carbon footprints. But how is that possible?

Chatbots allow businesses to be always on – even when they’re closed. This means that offices can turn off their lights and their computers while chatbots handle after hours dilemmas thereby diminishing the amount of energy they use on a day-to-day basis.

Additionally, chatbots allow companies (and the environmentally conscious) to combat one of the biggest hallmarks of our collapsing environment: paper. Paper contributes to 35% of the waste in the world and, as the average office worker uses approximately 10,000 sheets of paper a year, it’s apparent that the workplace isn’t an exceedingly friendly place for trees. Chatbots keep things digital. By offering more and more opportunities for customers to go paperless and for office workers to bypass antiquated paper-based systems, companies can dramatically improve their impact on our environment.

Reducing waste via supply chain efficiencies

When companies do business via chatbots, in addition to employing automation on their production line, they can reduce waste created by overstocking. By efficiently managing inventory, there’s less risk related to excess production which then reduces the waste related to storage and transportation. Furthermore, when eCommerce companies transact through chatbots it opens up a world of opportunity for shipping logistics and packaging options.

When connected to a backend system, companies can synthesize order information to create the most sustainable delivery routes. They can also use this information to determine the most environmentally friendly means of packaging to avoid the use of unnecessary materials when shipping items. This data is easily obtained through chatbots and can be elevated to reduce carbon emissions and further aid the efforts to save our planet.

Making awareness engaging

It’s certainly no surprise that a huge factor in achieving greater support for our planet is through the means of generating awareness. While the climate crisis is hardly unknown, many still don’t understand the dramatic effects a crumbling planet can have on our day to day lives. The problem is that people, nowadays, hardly want to sit down and read an academic article detailing the crisis. In a world of falling attention spans, it’s important to utilize your time with someone you’re intending to educate efficiently.

This is where chatbots come in. Chatbots can present important information in a way that’s both engaging and informational. Where articles can fall flat in the department of entertainment, chatbots can provide interactive ways of disseminating the same information. By way of robust visuals and snappy writing, it’s easy to garner the attention of users and can lead to a more receptive audience.

Additionally, by making information easier to digest and understand companies can increase their reach to a wider range of users.

Promoting the right choice

When companies offer eco-friendly products it draws in customers. According to McKinsey, 60% of consumers said they would pay more for a product in environmentally conscious packaging. Furthermore, when asked, 80 percent of young US adults (ages 18-34) said they would be willing to pay more for a sustainable product versus a less sustainable product.

But none of this matters if these products aren’t top of mind to the consumer. Chatbots can be programmed to push their more sustainable products and can be personalized to do so especially towards those demographics that are more likely to choose them.

This method of advertisement extends to a number of industries including air travel and tourism. By promoting environmentally conscious methods of traveling and exploring the world, human concern will follow suit and we will all be empowered to make more eco-friendly choices.


Technology is not innocent when it comes to the issues smothering our planet. But, for all of the damage it causes, we can use its powers for good too. By utilizing chatbots to target ecological risks, and fight back against them, we can make a difference. We can take the blessing of AI and turn it into a powerhouse for change.

If you’re interested in learning how chatbots can help reduce your carbon footprint, book a demo with us today!