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NewsWires: Survey shows hope for claims automation

Elizabeth Zink
May 18, 2023

The insurance claim submission process is outdated. In today’s modern world its becoming more and more apparent that something needs to be done to update how we submit claims and, overall, how we interact with insurance companies themselves.

According to an article by NewsWires, a company called Five Sigma conducted a study to learn more about how insurance companies plan to innovate going forward. The results returned a resounding conclusion: the insurance industry is ready to step into the future. This study found that 50% of companies are prioritizing the implementation of automation in the claims submission process and, additionally, 58% believe that automation can significantly improve claims organization’s accuracy and efficiency.

Five Sigma co-founder and CEO, Oded Barak, stated that the results of the survey “show signs of major changes in claims management just around the bend”.

These statistics are a promising insight into how the insurance industry views automation and gives hope to those who are fed up with the current, outdated processes many companies have. If you’re interested in bringing automation into your organization, contact us today!