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Faces of Silicon Alley – Kayla Singer

Apr 11, 2019

Have you met Kayla? Hear her views on the exciting world of conversational AI and what she likes most about the Pypestream team. My name is Kayla Singer, I graduated from USC in 2016 where I studied business. After USC I started at PwC, I first started in the deals practice and then, after the deals practice, I moved into management consulting where I focused on process improvement, and after management consulting I came over here to Pypestream.

With conversational AI I think we’re able to get the problems we need solved really quickly in the same capacity that we’re able to get the information and get the things we want quickly. Today, in today’s society, we don’t really have that in terms of customer service and it’s so exciting and amazing to be able to solve this problem.

What’s so special about working with our customers is they’re so excited to use our solution because it’s so new and it’s so technologically advanced but it’s also so simple to use.

I love working at Pypestream, it’s become a family to me it’s not just a place to work and, for me, that’s super important. I don’t want to have a life where I have work and then my life, I kind of want it to flow into one and I feel that way at Pypestream.

I like that Pypestream allows you to pursue your goals, both inside and outside the office. For me yoga is really important in my life and I wanted to bring that to the team, so I told, you know, somebody at our company that I wanted to have a team yoga session and within two weeks we had an instructor and we did team yoga which was pretty cool.

I like to do so many different things during my free time – I’m on two boards at USC for the business school, one called Marshall Partners and one for the alumni which I love. I’m also joining my third board not with USC but with another organization. I love to see plays and watch movies, I like to go to the beach, do yoga, meditation. I like to travel and explore.